Popping Candy as an Ingredient
Pop Rocks Popping Candy as a promotional insert


Promotional insert: POP ROCKS® popping candy can be packed in individual pouches to be used as a promotional item. The size, shape, weight and graphics of the package can be adapted to suit our customer”s requirements.

A pack of POP ROCKS® popping candy with special and customized graphics becomes a great tool to pop up your sales.

Cosmetic applications: Did you ever think of adding POP ROCKS® popping candy to your bath salts or soap balls? Experience innovation in your cosmetic products line.

Pharmaceutical applications: Recognizing the need to supply health products in a fun, engaging way to children, POP ROCKS® can provide a unique way to make this unusual combination possible. POP ROCKS® strives to give moms and kids a healthy yet fun compromise.

popping candy in bath salts
Pop Rocks in bath salts
Pop Rocks Popping Candy in bath salts
Pop Rocks popping candy in fishing


Let us show you what popping candy is the most suitable for you,where to use it and how to use it.

POP ROCKS® is great for: