Peta Zetas encourages CE Global Basket

Peta Zetas anima a CE Global Basket

The 11th match of the First National Division of Wheelchair Basketball took place last February 1st in Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain).
CE Global Basket UAB, sponsored by Peta Zetas® played with Servigest Burgos. Servigest Burgos beat the local team by 69-45.
CE Global Basket UAB, Oscar Trigo´s team (President of CE Global Basket and National Team Coach for the Paralympic Games in London), could only have 6 players due to several injuries in his team, while the opposing team could play with all their players.

Peta Zetas anima a CE Global Basket

Although the local team, CE Global Basket UAB, did not reach enough points to overcome the visiting team, they not suffer any change in the classification, still keeping a meritory sixth position.

The Wheelchair Basket does not make gender differences and encourages inclusion, and therefore from Peta Zetas® we wish good luck to all teams, and we encourage them to continue having fun with sport.

Peta Zetas anima a CE Global Basket