Peta Zetas® as been present in our lives for more than 40 years, giving us childhood memories and many moments of laughter and fun. But Peta Zetas® always wanted to go further and be present in the sport community, supporting different sports, such as hockey and skates, roller basketball and figure skating.

This time we want to congratulate Xou Petit l’Aldea C.P., for their brilliant career in recent years in figure skating, which they have recorded with their awards and communications on social networks.

Xou Petit C.P. l'Aldea 2020

In January they were already preparing for the start of the 2020 season with their new choreography “Inevitable”, which ended up flourishing with the gold medal of Small Show Group of the Territorial Show Championship in Salou, Tarragona. A beautiful and soulful choreography that earned a loud and warm applause from the audience.

Even with the spring confinement due to COVID19, Xou Petit l’Aldea continued their training from home and recorded a video with some of his team members giving support and encouragement to everyone, a video that transmitted all their strength and desire to return to the normal trainings and competition life.

Xou Petit C.P. l'Aldea 2020

After the spring lockdown, l’Aldea was able to go back to training within the limitations of this unusual year.

From Peta Zetas® we want to send a lot of encouragement to Xou Petit l’Aldea and wish them a great future full of success and fun.

Xou Petit C.P. l'Aldea 2020

Xou Petit C.P. l'Aldea 2020