C.P.A. Arenys de Munt X National Trophy, with 350 athletes from 25 categories, and sponsors who support the sport, with Peta Zetas.
C.P.A. Arenys de Munt X National Trophy, with 350 athletes from 25 categories, and sponsors who support the sport, with Peta Zetas.
The Getxo Show Skating Club is already warming up engines for the preparation of the VII International CP Show Getxo Trophy, which will be held at the end of February next year.
L´Aldea Skating Club, sponsored by Peta Zetas, participates and wins medals in the Roller Skating Spanish Championship held in Zaragoza
Peta Zetas will collaborate in the 2nd edition of the “Race of Cities”, with the aim of raising funds for research and fight against pancreatic cancer.
Peta Zetas supported the 1st edition of “Touch Rugby” Sant Cugat International Tournament on June 1st.
Patí Polinyà Club Festival, sponsored by Peta Zetas, offered various shows inspired by the richness of various world cultures.
Bookish and Peta Zetas offered subscribers a great book and the funniest candy.
CPA Mataró celebrates the Santes Summer Festival, with the support of Peta Zetas. This year the Festival celebrated the magic of the theme “Nits d’estiu” (Summer Nights)
Peta Zetas congratulates the WRG for the great success of the event, which brought the world championships of all roller sports disciplines to Barcelona
Peta Zetas sponsors the cadet and youth categories of Spanish Figure Skating Championship.
Peta Zetas® and Pop Rocks® encourage you to participate in the 9k Roller Barcelona to be held next July 14 (WRG 2019)
Peta Zetas® cooperated with the Water Polo HABAWABA 2019 edition held this year in Reus (Spain)
Pol Manrubia Hockey Camp, with cooperation of Peta Zetas, offers boys and girls a great opportunity to enjoy sport and fun this summer.
Peta Zetas is the Official Sponsor of Figure Skating in the World Roller Games Barcelona 2019, the world´s largest event comprising all world championship roller sports disciplines.
Last Sunday Lleida hosted the OK Lliga match between Barça Lassa and Lleida Llista Blava, team sponsored by Peta Zetas